Entrances are between booth 7 & 8 and then also between 8 & 9 When: September 30, 2025 The LeadingAge Kentucky Annual Conference will be held September 30 - October 1, 2025 at the Louisville Marriott East Hotel in Louisville, Kentucky. The trade show will be on September 30, 2025. We encourage you to take this opportunity to interact with your customers in a relaxed, productive setting. This is an opportunity to answer questions, make new contacts, and visit with current customers. LeadingAge Kentucky has stressed the importance of this show to its members and vendors over the years and by the increased numbers it’s apparent that is has become more valuable to all. We are limited to a specific number of booths we can offer so we are encouraging early registration. Please register early for the best booth location! We look forward to your participation in the 2025 LeadingAge Kentucky Annual Conference. To register for exhibit space, please click the link below. Why Exhibit? Exposure! Prime Contacts! Participation in this one event will give your company access to your target market and the visibility you need to stand out from the competition.
Tuesday, September 17, 2024
Booth Cost LeadingAge KY Partner, Supporter & Friend Members*..................................Included in membership LeadingAge Kentucky Partner, Supporter & Friend Membership dues include one booth space. All booths are 8' wide by 10' deep with an 8' backdrape and are separated by a 3' side drape. Each booth space includes an identification sign with your company name and location. All booth spaces must be paid in full by August 1, 2025. Cancellation Policy: No cancellation request will be acknowledged until written notice has been received by LeadingAge Kentucky. If cancellation notice is received by June 1, 2025, all sums paid by exhibitor, less the $300 non-refundable deposit, will be refunded. Cancellations between June 2 and August 1, 2025 will be entitled to a 50% refund. NO Refunds will be issued after August 2, 2025. Booth Assignments: Please refer to the show floor plan and indicate 4 preferred booth locations on the exhibit contract. LeadingAge Kentucky Partner Members will be given priority when assigning booth space, then Supporter Members, followed by Friend members, Contributor members and then non-members, based on the order that they are received by LeadingAge Kentucky. Contracted Services:
Additional equipment and services may be rented from our event decorator, Excel Decorators, Inc. An exhibitor packet including forms needed to order additional services and make shipping arrangements will be emailed to exhibitors 8-10 weeks prior to the event. Please make sure the email address you include on the form is the appropriate contact. ALL Electricity Orders must be made through the Louisville Marriott East. These order forms will also be included in the emailed packet.