LeadingAge KY Scholarship Nomination

Submission Deadline: July 26, 2023


LeadingAge Kentucky each year awards one (1) $2,000.00 Scholarship. All applicants must complete the application form and the form must be submitted to the LeadingAge Kentucky office and must be accompanied by a recommendation by the facility administrator or the applicant’s direct supervisor or both. The winner will be announced at LeadingAge Kentucky’s Virtual Annual Conference, October 13, 2023.


  • Nominee must be employed for one year by a LeadingAge Kentucky member
  • Entry application must include a recommendation by an administrator or direct supervisor (or both)
  • Recipient must use the scholarship award for tuition and/or books in classes pertaining to health care, management or other fields associated with health care  such as bookkeeping, social work, or recreational therapy.

Type of School:  Kentucky College or University
Term of Scholarship: One (1) year
Amount of Scholarship: $2,000.00

Please click here to Submit a Scholarship Nomination